
School Legality

Adherence to legal standards emphasizes our dedication to operating within the parameters of established frameworks and regulations in Indonesia

Yayasan Global
Indonesia Sukses

Yayasan Global Indonesia Sukses is the driving force behind Global Indonesia School and several other educational institutions across DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten Province. As a foundation, it plays a pivotal role in fostering academic excellence and holistic development within the diverse communities served by these schools.

All levels are accredited

All levels at Global Indonesia School have been accredited starting from Kindergarten with a predicate (B), Primary School (A), Junior High (A) to Senior High (A).


The "Rapor Sekolah" in Indonesian schools refers to the school report, a comprehensive document providing an overview of students' academic performance, behavior, and other relevant aspects. It serves as a valuable tool for communication between schools, students, and parents, offering insights into the educational journey and progress of each student.

Global Indonesia Primary School
Global Indonesia Junior High
Global Indonesia Senior High



The National Accreditation Board for Schools/Madrassas (BAN-S/M) is an Indonesian institution responsible for evaluating and accrediting schools and madrasas. The accreditation process involves assessing various aspects, including the curriculum, facilities, learning processes and school management. BAN-S/M plays a role in ensuring that educational institutions meet certain quality standards.

Pearson Edexcel Approved Centre

Being a Pearson Edexcel Approved Center signifies that Global Indonesia School has met the rigorous standards set by Pearson Edexcel, a renowned international examination and qualification provider from UK. This approval reflects the institution's commitment to delivering high-quality education and maintaining excellence in academic standards.